Chicago PB 2021 (Test space)
A space dedicated to testing Decidim
Process phases
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This test space is for sharing an idea of an idea collection activity for the PB 2021. We invite you to contribute during the month of February in order to better understand the ins-and-outs of the Decidim platform and the participatory process phases.
202-01-2021 - 02-28-2021
Idea Collection
During this phase you are invited to submit your ideas for idea collection activities for the PB of 2021.
308-01-2021 - 09-25-2021
Vetting Proposals
During this phase you are invited to engage in debates or demonstrate your support for the various proposals that are shared.
401-19-2022 - 02-03-2022
During this phase, ideas that have been selected for the ballot will be voted on by citizens like yourself.
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During this phase, you can keep track of the implementation of projects that were selected during the voting process. This allows for more transparency and accountability.