PB35th Ward 2023
#PB35 PB35
About this process
35th Ward's participatory budgeting process.
Every year, each Alderman receives $1.5 million for ward infrastructure improvements. This is the main source of funding made available to Aldermen to repave streets, resurface alleys, and make critically needed infrastructure improvements.
In the 35th Ward, Alderman Ramirez-Rosa empowers residents to decide how to spend $1 million in improving their neighborhood – whether it be fixing specific curbs, resurfacing certain streets, or installing bike lanes – through participatory budgeting (PB).
In 2023, residents of the ward submitted ideas from their neighborhoods of brick and mortar improvements that they would like to see. Once priorities are established through the PB vote, the PB committee (a group of neighbor volunteers) will rank submissions based on an evaluation matrix and allot funds based upon the priorities established by the vote.
For more information, visit the 35th Ward's website here.